It’s Time to Invest in Yourself
Improve your planning, organizing, prioritizing, emotional regulation, goal setting, goal attainment, skill acquisition and more to take control of your life!
>> Life Actuator Overview Video
Purchase the Life Actuator program now and choose between a free T-shirt or a set of Stimagz!
Improve your planning, organizing, prioritizing, emotional regulation, goal setting, goal attainment, skill acquisition and more to take control of your life!
>> Life Actuator Overview Video
Purchase the Life Actuator program now and choose between a free T-shirt or a set of Stimagz!
+ Stimagz
- Included:
- Stimagz (color of your choice)
- A Life Actuator login for unlimited program access
- An ever-expanding mass of interactive content
- Twelve integrated tool templates
- A blueprint for building your personal app
- A reserved seat in the imminent LA^ community portal
+ T-shirt
- Included:
- T-shirt (color of your choice)
- A Life Actuator login for unlimited program access
- An ever-expanding mass of interactive content
- Twelve integrated tool templates
- A blueprint for building your personal app
- A reserved seat in the imminent LA^ community portal
Still unsure?
Click Chat with Eric below to book a time to ask your questions.